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Energy system technology / Renewable energies B.Eng.72022
IngWi-logo   EEB BA_EE
prog acc system acc acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Marc Klemm
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Michael Kleer
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Xiaoying Wang

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Decentralized Electric Power Systems and Energy Storage Facilities EE1609P212-0014, P212-0015 6 4V+2P 7 Prof. Dr. Michael Igel
Electric Power Supply Systems 1 EE1504P212-0019, P212-0020 5 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Michael Igel
Electric Power Supply Systems 2 EE1603P212-0021, P212-0022 6 3V+1U 4 Prof. Dr. Michael Igel
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 EE1104P211-0056, P211-0057, P211-0058 1 4V+1U+1P 7 Prof. Dr. Marc Klemm
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2 EE1204P211-0059, P211-0060, P211-0061 2 4V+1U+1P 7 Prof. Dr. Marc Klemm
Fundamentals of Energy Systems EE1404P211-0065 4 5V+1U 6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winternheimer
Planning and Operating Decentralized Energy Systems EE1506P212-0058, P212-0060 5 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Planning Projects and Plants EE1407P212-0062 4 3V+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Power Electronics and Drive Systems Engineering EE1501P212-0048, P212-0049 5 2V+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winternheimer
Power Electronics and Drive Systems Engineering EE1601P212-0046, P212-0047 6 2V+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Winternheimer
Procedural Programming with C / C++ EE1302P211-0023 3 4V+2U 7 Prof. Dr. Reinhard Brocks
Project work EE1604P212-0065 6 4PA 5 Studienleitung
Project work EE1605P212-0065 6 4PA 7 Studienleitung
Renewable Energies EE1105P211-0212, P212-0003, P212-0004 1 3V+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Technical English for Power Engineers and Professional Presentations EE1402P212-0077 4 2V 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
The Energy Industry EE1502P212-0025 5 2V 2 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Thermal Energy Systems EE1406P212-0079, P212-0080 4 5V+1U 7 Prof. Dr. Frank Ulrich Rückert
Wind Energy und Photovoltaic Systems EE1606P212-0083 6 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig

(18 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Developing Graphical User Interfaces with an Integrated Development Environment in C/C++ EE1639P211-0313 4 2V 3 Prof. Dr. Michael Igel
Digital Skills for Engineers EE1536P213-0187 5 2V+2P 5 Andreas Schaffhauser, M.Sc.
Experimental Performance Characterization of Solar Thermal Systems EE1535P241-0400 6 1V+3P 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Experiments in PV and Wind Technology EE1636P212-0089 5 1V+3LU 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Inventor 3D - Advanced Course EE-K2-553 - 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Simulating and Measuring Wind Turbines EE1534P212-0095, P212-0096 5 2V+2P 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Simulation of Energy Systems with Renewable Energies EE1638P212-0093 6 1V+3P 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
The Impact of Gender and Diversity on Careers and Studies (Submodule) EE1640P213-0188 - - 3 Sandra Wiegand, M.A.

(8 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS
1 30.00
2 30.00
3 30.00
4 30.00
5 27.00
6 42.00
7 30.00
[Tue Feb 11 23:11:41 CET 2025, bkey=ee3, lang=en, sort=t]