Learning outcomes:
_ be able to assess the relevance of the NPO sector and document it using examples, _ be able to explain, analyze and discuss questions and special features of NPO management and be able to distinguish it from managing companies, _ be able to transfer business methods and concepts to the nonprofit sector, _ be able to explain and discuss the tools of nonprofit management in theory and apply them to practical management issues, _ be able to analyze, assess, develop and present NPO-specific concepts, _ be able to critically discuss theories, theses and findings from the field of nonprofit management, _ be able to present current research findings in nonprofit management and apply these findings to nonprofit practice. After successfully completing this module students will have acquired the following social skills: _ Students will be able to develop and present their own opinions and argumentation, _ They will be able to solve theoretical and practical questions in a team, organize themselves and solve conflicts (improvement of leadership skills, e.g. initiative, ability to work in a team, integration, delegation, conflict and assertiveness, self-confidence, willingness to take responsibility and risks), _ Students will be able to communicate more efficiently and manage interaction with third parties and groups efficiently and effectively, _ They will be able to work with the different, modern presentation techniques, _ Students will be able to understand complex scientific and practical texts and apply them to practical problems. After successfully completing the module, students will be able to demonstrate the following practical professional skills: _ Students will be able to explain and evaluate possible job profiles in the nonprofit sector and the challenges they face in everyday working life, _ They will be able to develop, critically question and apply management concepts, _ Students will be able to translate findings from current research into practical applications and independently develop solutions to challenges in everyday professional life.
[updated 24.09.2020]
Recommended or required reading:
Current literature lists will be made available to students at the beginning of the semester (exemplary references): _ Andreasen, A.R./Kotler, P.: Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations, New Jersey, latest edition _ Anheiner, H.K.: Nonprofit Organizations. Theory, Management, Policy, London, 2005 _ Backhaus-Maul, H./Biedermann, C./Nährlich, S./Polterauer, J. (Hrsg.): Corporate Citizenship in Deutschland. Gesellschaftliches Engagement von Unternehmen. Bilanz und Perspektiven, Wiesbaden, 2. A., 2010 _ Badelt, C./Meyer, M./Simsa, R. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Nonprofit Organisationen. Strukturen und Management, Stuttgart, 4. A., 2007 _ Beccarelli, C.: Finanzierung von Museen: Theorie und Anwendung am Beispiel der Schweizer Museumslandschaft, Bern, 2005 _ Bruhn, M.: Marketing für Nonprofit-Organisationen. Grundlagen_Konzepte_Instrumente, Stuttgart, 2. A., 2011 _ Bruhn, M./Michalski, S. (Hrsg.): Marketing als Managementprozess, Zürich, 3. A., 2009 _ Buber, R./Faschig, H.: Leitbilder in Nonprofit Organisationen. Entwicklung und Umsetzung, Wien, 1999 _ Burnett, K.: Relationship Fundraising _ A Donor Based Approach to the Business of Raising Money, San Francisco, 2. A., 2002 _ DiMaggio, P.J./Anheiner, H.K.: The Sociology of Nonprofit Organizations, in: Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 16, pp. 137-159 _ Drucker, P.F.: Managing the Nonprofit Organization, London, 1990 _ Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK) (Hrsg.): GfK CharityScope. Available online. _ Günter, B.: Kulturmarketing. In: Tscheulin, D.K./ Helmig, B. (Hrsg.: Branchenspezifisches Marketing, Wiesbaden, 2001 _ Helmig, B./Boenigk, S.: Nonprofit Management, München, 2012 _ Helmig, B./Purtschert, R. (Hrsg.): Nonprofit-Management, Wiesbaden, 2. A., 2006 _ Klein, A.: Projektmanagement für Kulturbetriebe, Wiesbaden, 3. A., 2008 _ Kotler, P./Roberto, N./Lee, N.: Social Marketing, Thousand Oaks, 2. A., 2002 _ Langer, A./Schröer, A. (Hrsg.): Professionalisierung im Nonprofit Management, Bern, 2011 _ Meier, A.: Informationsmanagement für NPOs, NGOs et.al., Heidelberg, 2006 _ Pfaffenzeller, H.: Die Governance von Nonprofit-Organisationen, Available online. _ Regierungskommission Corporate Governance Kodex (Hrsg.): Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex, lateste version, available online. _ Salzman, J.: Making the News: A guide for Nonprofits and Activists, Boulder, 1998 _ Sargeant, A.: Marketing Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Oxford, 3. A., 2009 _ Sargeant, A.; Fundraising Management, New York, 2. A., 2010 _ Schwarz, P.: Organisation in Nonprofit Organisationen, Grundlagen, Strukturen, Bern, 2005 _ Schwarz, P.: Management-Prozesse und -Systeme in Nonprofit Organisationen, Bern, 2006 _ Siebart, P.: Corporate Governance von Nonprofit Organisationen _ Ausgewählte Aspekte der Organisation und Führung, Bern, 2006 _ Tiebel, C.: Management in Non Profit Organisationen, München, 2006 _ Zimmer, A./Priller, E.: Gemeinnützige Organisationen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, Wiesbaden, 2. A., 2007
[updated 24.09.2020]