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Biomedical Engineering B.Sc.72025 IngWi-logo   BMB BA_BM
prog acc system acc (planned) acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Robert Lemor
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Dr. Daniel Strauß
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Wenmin Qu
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Robert Lemor

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Anatomy and Physiology BMT3103.ANA 1 6V 5 Dr. Sebastian Markert
Procedural Programming with C / C++ BMT3305.PRG 3 4V+2U 7 Prof. Dr. Reinhard Brocks
Signal and Systems Theory BMT3405.SUS 4 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Martin Buchholz

(3 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Brain-Computer Interface BMT2613.BCIP221-0183 6 1V+3PA international course 6 Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Strauß
Cochlear Implants in Practice BMT2612.CIP120-0357 6 - 5 Prof. Dr. Dr. Daniel Strauß
Computer Networks BMT2551.RN - 2V+2P 5 Prof. Dr. Steffen Knapp
Digital Skills for Engineers BMT2552.DSIP213-0187 5 2V+2P 5 Andreas Schaffhauser, M.Sc.
Fundamentals of 3D Design using Inventor BMT2521.INVP231-0104 - 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Kinematic Principles of Robotics BMT2505.KGRP221-0197 5 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Michael Kleer
Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Medicine BMT2524.MLMP213-0207 5 2S 3 Prof. Dr. Robert Lemor
Mentoring BMT2590.MEN 5 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Simone Odierna
Preparing for the IELTS Test BMT2640.IELTSP213-0041 6 2VU 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Statistical Methods with SPSS BMT2522.SPSS 5 - 5 Prof. Dr. Gerald Kroisandt
Technical Documentation BMT2580.TDO - 2V 2 Dipl.-Ing. Irmgard Köhler-Uhl
The Impact of Gender and Diversity on Careers and Studies (Submodule) BMT2583.AGDTP213-0188 5 - 3 Sandra Wiegand, M.A.

(12 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS
1 30.00
2 30.00
3 29.00
4 28.00
5 10.00
6 13.00
7 30.00
[Wed Dec  4 09:43:18 CET 2024, bkey=bmt4, lang=en, sort=t]