Recommended or required reading:
Current business and company information (depends on current project or case studies) Most recent case studies and statistics Most recent relevant papers Handbooks: Berens, W.: Due Diligence bei Unternehmensakquisitionen, most recent edition, Stuttgart. Bessant, J.R. und Tidd, J., Entrepreneurship, Boston 2017Brealey, R. A./Myers, S. C.: Principles of corporate finance, most recent edition, New York. Bruner, R. F./Eades, K. M./Schill, M. J.: Case studies in finance: managing for corporate value creation, most recent edition, Boston. Damodaran, A.,Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, most recent edition, Hoboken/New Jersey. Damodaran, A., Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance, most recent edition, Hoboken/New Jersey. Damodaran, A.: Applied corporate finance, most recent edition, Hoboken/New Jersey. Ernst, D.: Applied international corporate finance, most recent edition, München. Fernandez, P., Valuation Methods and Shareholder Value Creation, most recent edition, (Academic Press). Fueglistaller, U., Müller, C., Müller, S. und Volery, T., Entrepreneurship: Modelle Umsetzung Perspektiven, most recent edition, Heidelberg. Fritsch. M., Entrepreneurship Theorie, Empirie, Politik, most recent edition, Heidelberg. Gardner, C., The Valuation of Information Technology: A Guide for Strategy Development, Valuation, and Financial Planning (Financial Management Book 2), most recent edition, Hoboken/New Jersey. Hommel, M./Dehmel, I.: Unternehmensbewertung case by case, most recent edition, Frankfurt. Müller-Stewens, G./Kunisch, S./Binder, A.: Mergers & Acquisitions: Analysen, Trends und Best Practices, most recent edition, Stuttgart. Parker, S.C., The economics of entrepreneurship, most recent edition, Cambridge. Poland, S., Founders Pocket Guide: Startup Valuation, most recent edition. Pott, O. und Pott, A., Entrepreneurship: Unternehmensgründung, Businessplan und Finanzierung, Rechtsformen und gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, most recent edition, Berlin. Ross, S. A./Westerfield, R./Jaffe, J., Modern Financial Management, most recent edition, Boston.
[updated 16.03.2020]