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Economic and Policy Aspects of Sustainable Tourism

Module name (EN):
Name of module in study programme. It should be precise and clear.
Economic and Policy Aspects of Sustainable Tourism
Degree programme:
Study Programme with validity of corresponding study regulations containing this module.
International Tourism-Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2017
Module code: BITM-510
The exam administration creates a SAP-Submodule-No for every exam type in every module. The SAP-Submodule-No is equal for the same module in different study programs.
Hours per semester week / Teaching method:
The count of hours per week is a combination of lecture (V for German Vorlesung), exercise (U for Übung), practice (P) oder project (PA). For example a course of the form 2V+2U has 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of exercise per week.
4VF (4 hours per week)
ECTS credits:
European Credit Transfer System. Points for successful completion of a course. Each ECTS point represents a workload of 30 hours.
Semester: 5
Mandatory course: yes
Language of instruction:
Written composition with presentation (can be repeated annually)

[updated 21.03.2018]
Applicability / Curricular relevance:
All study programs (with year of the version of study regulations) containing the course.

DFBTO505 (P620-0552) International Tourism Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2018 , semester 5, mandatory course
DFITM-506 (P620-0543) International Tourism Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2020 , semester 5, mandatory course
BITM-510 (P440-0086) International Tourism-Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2013 , semester 5, mandatory course
BITM-510 (P440-0086) International Tourism-Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2015 , semester 5, mandatory course
BITM-510 (P440-0086) International Tourism-Management, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2017 , semester 5, mandatory course

Suitable for exchange students (learning agreement)
Workload of student for successfully completing the course. Each ECTS credit represents 30 working hours. These are the combined effort of face-to-face time, post-processing the subject of the lecture, exercises and preparation for the exam.

The total workload is distributed on the semester (01.04.-30.09. during the summer term, 01.10.-31.03. during the winter term).
60 class hours (= 45 clock hours) over a 15-week period.
The total student study time is 150 hours (equivalent to 5 ECTS credits).
There are therefore 105 hours available for class preparation and follow-up work and exam preparation.
Recommended prerequisites (modules):
Recommended as prerequisite for:
Module coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Ralf Rockenbauch
Dozierende des Studiengangs

[updated 27.05.2020]
Learning outcomes:
Students will deepen the knowledge gained in previous courses (especially intercultural competence, law, business administration, economics, management in the tourism industry) and apply it to key areas of economic and tourism policy. This involves learning about instruments and how they work, as well as the importance of institutional framework conditions. Students will gain insight into the possibilities and limits of economic policy in tourism (especially the guiding principle of sustainable tourism).
The primary goal of this module is to sensitize students to the importance of:
- the economic importance of tourism
- various players in tourism (influencial people and decision makers)
- management areas in tourism practice (management concept,
economic and business ethics, quality, environmental protection and CSR measures, strategic management, the development of guidelines)
Acquisition of competence in tourism assessment and management skills
Shaping (shapeability) of (inter-) national economic and tourism policy
Acquisition of methodological competence for the analysis of (inter-) national economic and tourism policy, taking into account the specific characteristics of tourism
After successfully completing this module, students have deepened their knowledge of:
- the economic and, in particular, tourism economic dimensions of the tourism industry
- the development and importance of tourism
- the characteristics of the tourism sector
- market structures and market participants (service providers, customers, organisations).
Students will:
- gain insights into the field of tourism organization and will be able to analyze and present operational and organizational questions in organizations (organizational change; special features of international tourism organizations)
- learn about planning tools and adaptation strategies
International and intercultural references:
- (Inter-) national tourism policy
- In the context of examples from international organizations
Practical references:
- Management and policy concepts
- Business and economic methods
- Social competence
- Analysis and decision-making competence
- Guest lectures, excursions (together with students of other semesters and study courses)
- In particular, policy and management concepts and methods with high relevance for the tourism and transport industry
Students will expand and deepen their teamwork skills and their presentation techniques, as well as scientific work techniques.

[updated 17.09.2018]
Module content:
- Definition of economic and tourism policy
- Connections and problems in economic and tourism policy
- Tourism industry indicators
- Institutions, objectives and instruments of economic and tourism policy
(Tourism criticism, lobbying, funding, international, supra-national and regional tourist organizations, visa regulations, travel advice)
- Guiding principle of sustainable tourism
- Marks of quality in tourism
- Corporate social responsibility
- Human and animal rights in tourism
- Community-based tourism
- Climate change (consequences for tourism, adaptation strategies)
- Accessibility in tourism
- Touristic relevance of protected areas (world heritage sites, national parks, biosphere reserves)
- Management areas in tourism practice (management concept, business ethics and ethics, strategic management, visitor guidance, carrying capacity)

[updated 21.03.2018]
Teaching methods/Media:
Lecture with case studies, group work, discussion with and among students and also external experts, as well as presentations and preparation of documentation/papers.
On the basis of selected data material, students will be encouraged to carry out independent and critical discussions about current economic and tourism policy topics.

[updated 21.03.2018]
Recommended or required reading:
Bieger, T., Tourismuslehre - Ein Grundriss (aktuelle Ausgabe), 2004, Haupt, Bern, 978-3-8252-2536-0
Buchwald, K; Engelhardt, W. (Hrsg.), Freizeit, Tourismus und Umwelt, 1998, Economica Verlag, Bonn, 3-87081-582-5
Diekmann, A.; Smith, M. K., Ethnic and Minority Cultures as Tourist Attractions, 2015, Channel View Publications, Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto, 978-1-84541-483-2
Enzensberger, H. M., Eine Theorie des Tourismus (in: Einzelheiten 1), 1958, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/M., 3-518-10063-2
Epler Wood, M., Sustainable Tourism on a finite planet, 2017, Routledge, Oxon, New York, 978-1-138-21758-4
Friedl, H. A., Tourismusethik: Theorie und Praxis des umwelt- und sozialverträglichen Reisens, 2002, Profil Verlag, München, Wien, 3-89019ö530-X
Hennig, C., Reiselust: Touristen, Tourismus und Urlaubskultur, 1997, Insel, Frankfurt/M. und Leipzig, 978-3-45816-841-6
Herrmann, F., FAIRreisen, 2016, oekom, München, 978-3-86581-808-9
Kramer, D., Der sanfte Tourismus - Umwelt- und Sozialverträglicher Tourismus in den Alpen, 1983, Österreichischer Bundesverlag, Wien, 3-215-04841-8
Krippendorf, J., Die Ferienmenschen - Für ein neues Verständnis von Freizeit und Reisen, 1984, Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich, 3-280-01481-6
Luger, K.; Wöhler, K. (Hrsg.), Welterbe und Tourismus (Schützen und Nützen aus einer Perspektive der Nachhaltigkeit), 2008, Studienverlag, Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen, 978-3-7065-4518-1
N.N. Equations - Equitable Tourism Options, Indigenous Peoples, Wildlife and Ecotourism, 2002, Equations, Bangalore, n. a.
Opaschowski, H. W., Tourismus: eine systematische Einführung; Analysen und Prognosen, 2002, Leske + Budrich, Opladen, 3-8100-3216-6
Rauschelbach, B.; Schäfer, A.; Steck, B., Cooperating for Sustainable Tourism - Kooperieren für Nachhaltigen Tourismus, 2002, Kasparek Verlag        Heidelberg, 3-925064-34-6
Schäfer, R., Tourismus und Authentizität - Zur gesellschaftlichen Organisation von Auߟergewöhnlichkeit, 2015, Transcript, Bielefeld, 978-3-8376-2744-2
Spode, H., Wie die Deutschen "Reiseweltmeister" wurden - Eine Einführung in die Tourismusgeschichte, 2003, Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Thüringen, Erfurt, 3-931426-74-2
Steinecke, A., Internationaler Tourismus, 2014, UVK, Konstanz, 978-3-8252-4202-2
Strasdas, W.; Rein, H. (Hrsg.), Nachhaltiger Tourismus, 2015, UVK, Konstanz, 978-3-8252-4196-4
Urry, J., The Tourist Gaze - Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies, 1990, Sage Publications, London        0-8039-8182-1

[updated 21.03.2018]
[Fri Oct 25 01:23:22 CEST 2024, CKEY=intux, BKEY=itm4, CID=BITM-510, LANGUAGE=en, DATE=25.10.2024]