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Engineering and Management M.Eng42019 IngWi-logo   MAM MA_MA
prog acc system acc (planned) acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Matthias Faust
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Moritz Habschied
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann
Handbook [PDF] (Mar 4 11:48:05 2024)

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Advanced Biotechnology MAM_19_V_1.06.BITP241-0018, P241-0019 1 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Advanced Energy and Power Engineering MAM_19_V_3.07.ETVP241-0037 3 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Analysis and Instrumentation in Process Engineering MAM_19_V_1.07.AMVP241-0004, P241-0005 1 2V+2P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Applied Numerical Simulations (Fluid Mechanics / Heat Transport) MAM_19_M_3.03.ASFP241-0006 3 2V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Applied Numerical Simulations (Mechanical Systems) MAM_19_M_1.02.ASMP241-0007 1 3V+2P 7 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Commercial Corporate Management MAM_19_A_2.02.KOUP241-0059, P241-0060 2 2V+2S 5 Prof. Dr. Moritz Habschied
Decentralized Power Generation and Renewable Energy Systems MAM_19_V_2.09.DERP241-0025, P241-0026 2 4SU+2P 7 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Digital Twin MAM_19_V_3.09.DZWP241-0029 3 2V+1P+1PA 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Energy and Mass Transfer in Process Engineering MAM_19_V_1.05.ESVP241-0032 1 4V+2PA 7 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Environmental Process Technology and Chemical Reaction Engineering MAM_19_V_2.08.UVRP241-0089 2 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Hydraulic Servo-Motors MAM_19_PE_2.04.SHYP241-0087 2 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Gessat
Industrial Design, Ergonomics and Ethics MAM_19_PE_3.06.IEEP241-0052, P241-0053, P241-0054 3 3V+2PA+1S 7 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Industrial Manufacturing 1 MAM_19_IP_1.08.IP1P241-0055 1 2V+2S 5 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Industrial Manufacturing 2 MAM_19_IP_2.10.IP2P241-0056 2 4V+4S 10 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Interdisciplinary Product Development MAM_19_PE_1.04.IPEP241-0057, P241-0058 1 3SU+3PA 10 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Legislation and Regulation MAM_19_A_1.03.RERP241-0085 1 3V+1U 5 Studienleitung
Master Thesis (with Research Colloquium) MAM_19_A_4.01.MAKT241-0064 4 - 30 Studienleitung
Meetings, Negotiating and Intercultural Communication MAM_19_A_2.01.MNIP241-0065 2 2S international course 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Motion Control Technology MAM_19_PE_2.05.BWTP241-0013, P241-0014 2 3V+2P 5 Prof. Dr. Andrea Bohn
Plant Engineering and Component Selection MAM_19_V_2.07.ATKP241-0008 2 4SU+2PA 6 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Product Development Using New Material Concepts MAM_19_PE_2.06.PEWP241-0067 2 4V+2PA 8 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Production Systems 1 MAM_19_IP_1.09.PS1P241-0075, P241-0076 1 1V+2SU+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production Systems 2 MAM_19_IP_2.11.PS2P241-0077 2 5PA 8 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production Systems 3 MAM_19_IP_3.10.PS3P241-0078 3 5PA 7 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production-Oriented Corporate Management MAM_19_M_3.05.POUP241-0073, P241-0074 3 3V+1S 5 Prof. Dr. Andrea Bohn
Project Management MAM_19_V_3.08.PRMP241-0081, P241-0082 3 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Reading, Writing and Presenting for Academic Purposes MAM_19_A_3.02.RWPP241-0083, P241-0084 3 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Research and Development MAM_19_A_3.01.FEPP241-0045 3 2PA 10 Studienleitung
The Statistics and Theory of Numerical Simulation MAM_19_A_1.01.MTSP241-0088 1 5V+3U 8 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther

(29 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Current Methods in Molecular and Microbiology MAM. - 2V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Experiment Design and Quality Control MAM. - 2V 3 Prof. Dr. Gerald Kroisandt
Labor Law MAM_19_2.2.24P241-0373 - - 2 Prof. Dr. Ralf Oetinger
Membranes and Membrane Processes MAM_19_2.2.25P241-0407 2 2SU 3 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Non-Linear Finite Elements MAM_19_2.2.26P241-0408 2 1SU+3PA 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann

(5 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS ECTS nach Vertiefungsgebieten
1 57.00 ALL=20 vt=17 pe=10 ip=10
2 66.00 ALL=12 vt=18 pe=18 ip=18
3 52.00 ALL=23 vt=15 pe=7 ip=7
4 30.00
[Fri Jan 17 02:36:25 CET 2025, bkey=mm2, lang=en, sort=t]