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Mechanical and Process Engineering B.Eng.62019 IngWi-logo   MVB BA_MVB
prog acc system acc (planned) acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Matthias Faust
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Moritz Habschied
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann
Handbook [PDF] (Jan 15 08:46:07 2024)

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Principles of Engineering Drawing and the Representation of Machine Elements (with Machine Analysis Lab) MAB_19_A_1.01.MDMP241-0269, P241-0270 1 2SU+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Engineering Mechanics - Statics MAB_19_A_1.02.TMSP241-0284 1 2V+2S 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Jaeckels
Materials Science with Lab Exercises MAB_19_A_1.03.WSKP241-0206, P241-0291 1 4V+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Moritz Habschied
Mathematics 1 MAB_19_A_1.04.MA1P241-0271 1 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Business English for Mechanical Engineers MAB_19_A_1.05.BEMP241-0238 1 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Technical Communication and Documentation MAB_19_A_1.06.TKDP241-0282 1 1V+1U 2 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Engineering Basics MAB_19_A_1.07.ENBP241-0244, P241-0245 1 1V+3P 5 Studienleitung
CAD 3D Modeling MAB_19_A_2.01.CADP241-0224 2 2V+2P 4 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Manufacturing Process Technology (with Lab Course) MAB_19_A_2.02.TFLP241-0286, P241-0287 2 3V+1U+1LU 5 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Basics of Component Dimensioning MAB_19_A_2.03.GBDP241-0253 2 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann
Mathematics 2 MAB_19_A_2.04.MA2P241-0002 2 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Technical English for Mechanical Engineers and Professional Presentations MAB_19_A_2.06.TEMP241-0281 2 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Electrical Engineering für Mechanical Engineering und Process Engineering MAB_19_A_2.07.ELTP241-0241, P241-0242 2 2V+1U+1LU 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Applying for an Engineering Job MAB_19_A_3.03.AEJP241-0229 3 1SU 1 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Piston Engines, Compressors and Turbines MAB_19_A_3.04.SKSP241-0285 3 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Applying of Numerical Methods MAB_19_A_4.01.ANMP241-0228 4 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics MAB_19_A_4.02.WFLP241-0290 4 3V+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Marco Günther
Applied Metrology MAB_19_A_5.02.MTEP241-0097, P241-0227 5 2V+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Practical Training Phase MAB_19_A_6.01.PRAS241-0275 6 1V 15 Studienleitung
Bachelor Thesis (12) and Colloquium (3) MAB_19_A_6.02.BAKT241-0234 6 - 15 Studienleitung
Additive Manufacturing and Generative Design MAB_19_IP_5.03.AGFP241-0225, P241-0226 5 1V+1P 2 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Joining Techniques with Integrated Lab Course MAB_19_IP_5.04.FMLP241-0248, P241-0249 5 1V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Production and Quality Management MAB_19_IP_5.05.MSTP241-0278, P241-0279 5 2V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Machine Tools - Advanced Aspects MAB_19_IP_5.06.VWZP241-0201, P241-0203 5 1V+1P 3 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Manufacturing Project in English (1) MAB_19_IP_5.07.MPEP241-0264, P241-0265 5 2PA+1S 3 Prof. Dr. Jürgen Griebsch
Machine Elements and Design 1 MAB_19_M_3.05.MK1P241-0267 3 3SU+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Dimensioning Components MAB_19_M_3.06.BTDP241-0235 3 3SU+1U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann
Engineering Mechanics – Kinetics MAB_19_M_3.07.TMKP241-0283 3 4V 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Jaeckels
Engineering Design (with Project) MAB_19_M_4.04.MK2P241-0259 4 1SU+3PA 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Machine Dynamics MAB_19_M_4.05.MDYP241-0266 4 4V 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heike Jaeckels
Project Management and Business Economics MAB_19_M_4.06.PMBP241-0280 4 2V 2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Köhler
Production-Optimized Component Design MAB_19_M_4.07.FBGP241-0246 4 2V+1PA 3 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Automation Technology in Mechanical Engineering MAB_19_M_5.17.AUMP241-0230, P241-0231 5 3V+1LU 5 Prof. Dr. Benedikt Faupel
Fundamentals of Product Development MAB_19_PE_5.08.GPEP241-0257 5 2SU 2 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Gear Technology with Lab Sessions MAB_19_PE_5.09.GTLP241-0250, P241-0251 5 3V+1P 4 Prof. Dr. Andrea Bohn
The Finite Element Method (FEM) MAB_19_PE_5.11.FEMP241-0247 5 1SU+1P 2 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramona Hoffmann
Design Project in English MAB_19_PE_5.12.DPEP241-0239, P241-0240 5 2PA+1S 3 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Fundamentals of Biotechnology MAB_19_V_3.08.GBTP241-0254 3 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Fundamentals of Chemistry (with Lab Course) MAB_19_V_3.09.GCLP241-0255, P241-0256 3 3V+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Fundamental Elements of Plant Construction MAB_19_V_3.10.GEAP241-0252 3 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering (with Lab Course) MAB_19_V_4.08.BUVP241-0236, P241-0237 4 3V+1P 5 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability MAB_19_V_4.09.EENP241-0243 4 2V+1U+1P 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sauer, M.Sc.
Physical Process Engineering with Practical Case Studies MAB_19_V_4.10.PVTP241-0273, P241-0274 4 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Plant Planning and Project Execution MAB_19_V_4.11.APPP241-0099, P241-0376 4 4V 5 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Environmental Process Technology and Circular Economies MAB_19_V_5.13.UVKP241-0289 5 4V+1LU 6 Prof. Dr. Timo Gehring
Process Engineering Project in English (1) MAB_19_V_5.15.PEPP241-0276, P241-0277 5 2PA+1S 3 Prof. Dr. Bernd Heidemann
Automation Technology in Process Engineering MAB_19_V_5.16.AUVP241-0232, P241-0233 5 3V+1LU 5 Prof. Dr. Benedikt Faupel

(47 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Preparing for the IELTS Test MAB_19_2.1.2.24P213-0041 - 2VU 2 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
The Impact of Gender and Diversity on Careers and Studies MAB_19_4.2.1.31P241-0411 - 2V+2S 5 Sandra Wiegand, M.A.
Practising English Online with a Tandem Partner MAB_19_4.2.1.32P241-0399 - - 1 Prof. Dr. Christine Sick
Interfacial Process Engineering and Fuel Cell Technology MAB_19_4.2.1.34P241-0404 4 2SU 3 Prof. Dr. Matthias Faust
Digital Skills for Engineers MAB_19_4.2.1.35P213-0187 5 2V+2P 5 Andreas Schaffhauser, M.Sc.
The Impact of Gender and Diversity on Careers and Studies (Submodule) MAB_19_4.2.1.37P213-0188 - - 3 Sandra Wiegand, M.A.
CAX Basics and Applications MAB_19_4.2.1.38P223-0006 3 2V+2U 5 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Pascal Stoffels
Kinematic Principles of Robotics MAB_19_4.2.1.39P221-0197 5 3V+1U 5 Prof. Dr. Michael Kleer
Oral and General Presentation Skills in the Engineering Sciences MAB_19_4.2.1.41 - 1V+1U 2 Studienleitung
Methods and Applications of Non-Destructive Material Testing MAB_19_4.2.1.42 6 2V+1U 3 Prof. Dr. Michael Kleer
Experimental Performance Characterization of Solar Thermal Systems MAB_19_4.2.6.16P241-0400 - 1V+3P 5 Prof. Dr. Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig

(11 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS ECTS nach Vertiefungsgebieten
1 29.00
2 30.00
3 46.00 ALL=31 ip=0 pe=0 vt=15
4 50.00 ALL=30 ip=0 pe=0 vt=20
5 64.00 ALL=10 ip=14 pe=15 vt=20
6 30.00
[Sun Jan 19 12:04:26 CET 2025, bkey=m2, lang=en, sort=c]